Latest Episodes

BI 193 Kim Stachenfeld: Enhancing Neuroscience and AI
Support the show to get full episodes and join the Discord community. The Transmitter is an online publication that aims to deliver useful information,...

BI 192 Àlex Gómez-Marín: The Edges of Consciousness
Support the show to get full episodes and join the Discord community. Àlex Gómez-Marín heads The Behavior of Organisms Laboratory at the Institute of...

BI 191 Damian Kelty-Stephen: Fractal Turbulent Cascading Intelligence
Support the show to get full episodes and join the Discord community. Damian Kelty-Stephen is an experimental psychologist at State University of New York...

BI 190 Luis Favela: The Ecological Brain
Support the show to get full episodes and join the Discord community. Luis Favela is an Associate Professor at Indiana University Bloomington. He is...

BI 189 Joshua Vogelstein: Connectomes and Prospective Learning
Support the show to get full episodes and join the Discord community. Jovo, as you'll learn, is theoretically oriented, and enjoys the formalism of...

BI 188 Jolande Fooken: Coordinating Action and Perception
Support the show to get full episodes and join the Discord community. Jolande Fooken is a post-postdoctoral researcher interested in how we move our...