BI 079 Romain Brette: The Coding Brain Metaphor

July 27, 2020 01:19:04
BI 079 Romain Brette: The Coding Brain Metaphor
Brain Inspired
BI 079 Romain Brette: The Coding Brain Metaphor

Jul 27 2020 | 01:19:04


Show Notes

Romain and I discuss his theoretical/philosophical work examining how neuroscientists rampantly misuse the word "code" when making claims about information processing in brains. We talk about the coding metaphor, various notions of information, the different roles and facets of mental representation, perceptual invariance, subjective physics, process versus substance metaphysics, and the experience of writing a Behavior and Brain Sciences article (spoiler: it's a demanding yet rewarding experience).

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