Brain Inspired

Neuroscience and artificial intelligence work better together. Brain inspired is a celebration and exploration of the ideas driving our progress to understand intelligence. I interview experts about their work at the interface of neuroscience, artificial ...more

Latest Episodes


October 02, 2021 01:23:41
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BI 115 Steve Grossberg: Conscious Mind, Resonant Brain

Support the show to get full episodes and join the Discord community Steve and I discuss his book Conscious Mind, Resonant Brain: How Each...



September 22, 2021 01:38:07
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BI 114 Mark Sprevak and Mazviita Chirimuuta: Computation and the Mind

Support the show to get full episodes and join the Discord community Mark and Mazviita discuss the philosophy and science of mind, and how...



September 12, 2021 01:30:38
Episode Cover

BI 113 David Barack and John Krakauer: Two Views On Cognition

David and John discuss some of the concepts from their recent paper Two Views on the Cognitive Brain, in which they argue the recent...



September 02, 2021 00:57:25
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BI ViDA Panel Discussion: Deep RL and Dopamine

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August 26, 2021 01:13:56
Episode Cover

BI 112 Ali Mohebi and Ben Engelhard: The Many Faces of Dopamine

BI 112: Ali Mohebi and Ben Engelhard The Many Faces of Dopamine Announcement: Ben has started his new lab and is recruiting grad students....



August 19, 2021 01:20:32
Episode Cover

BI NMA 06: Advancing Neuro Deep Learning Panel

This is the 6th in a series of panel discussions in collaboration with Neuromatch Academy, the online computational neuroscience summer school. This is the...
