Latest Episodes
BI 004 Mark Humphries: Learning to Remember
Mentioned in the show: Mark’s lab The excellent blog he writes on Medium The paper we discuss: An ensemble code in medial prefrontal cortex...
BI 003 Blake Porter: Effortful Rats
Mentioned during the show: The paper we discuss: Hippocampal place cell encoding of sloping terrain. Blake’s website, where he writes his blog Noise mystery...
BI 002 Steven Potter Part 2: Brains in Dishes
Find out more about Steve at his website. Things mentioned during the show: Papers we talked about: Publishing negative results! Wagenaar, D. A., Pine,...
BI 001 Steven Potter: Brains in Dishes
Find out more about Steve at his website. I discovered him when I found his book chapter "What Can AI Get from Neuroscience?" in...
BI 000 Introduction