Brain Inspired

Neuroscience and artificial intelligence work better together. Brain inspired is a celebration and exploration of the ideas driving our progress to understand intelligence. I interview experts about their work at the interface of neuroscience, artificial ...more

Latest Episodes

May 30, 2019 01:11:08
Episode Cover

BI 036 Roshan Cools: Cognitive Control and Dopamine

Show notes: Roshan will deliver a keynote address at the upcoming CCN conference.Roshan's Motivational and Cognitive Control lab.Follow her on Twitter: @CoolsControl.Her TED Talk...


May 20, 2019 01:11:03
Episode Cover

BI 035 Tim Behrens: Abstracting & Generalizing Knowledge, & Human Replay

Show notes: This is the first in a series of episodes where I interview keynote speakers at the upcoming Cognitive Computational Neuroscience conference in...



May 08, 2019 01:18:36
Episode Cover

BI 034 Tony Zador: How DNA and Evolution Can Inform AI

Show notes: Tony’s lab site, where there are links to his auditory decision making work and connectome work we discuss. Here are a few...



April 29, 2019 01:06:05
Episode Cover

BI 033 Federico Turkheimer: Weak Versus Strong Emergence

Show Notes: Federico’s website.Federico’s papers we discuss: Conflicting emergences. Weak vs. strong emergence for the modelling of brain functionFrom homeostasis to behavior: balanced activity...



April 19, 2019 01:15:44
Episode Cover

BI 032 Rafal Bogacz: Back-Propagation in Brains

Show notes: Visit Rafal’s Lab Website. Rafal’s papers we discuss: Theories of Error Back-Propagation in the Brain. An Approximation of the Error Backpropagation Algorithm...



April 12, 2019 01:44:47
Episode Cover

BI 031 Francisco de Sousa Webber: Natural Language Understanding

Businessportrait Francisco Webber Cortical.ioThe white paper we discuss: Semantic Folding Theory And its Application in Semantic Fingerprinting. A nice talk Francisco gave: Semantic fingerprinting:...
